
What parameters are used for pre-filling payment pages?

The following parameters are used to pre-fill the hosted payment pages.

1. Order Summary

Note: This will not be supported for the amount type “Customer decides on payment page”.

2. Account Information

3. Billing Address

For Canada, India, United Arab Emirates, and United States of America, use the billing_state_code parameter with a 2-letter state code (e.g., TN for Tamil Nadu and KY for Kentucky).

For all other countries, use the billing_state parameter with the state itself, i.e., a billing state code is not required for this parameter value.

The value of the billing country code must be the equivalent ISO 3166-1 code for the country in the Alpha-2 (2-letter) format.
For example, IN for India and US for the United States of America. By providing this code, the country will be selected automatically from a dropdown in the hosted payment page.

4. Shipping Address

For Canada, India, United Arab Emirates ,and United States of America, you should use the shipping_state_code parameter, whose value should be a 2-letter state code (for example, TN for Tamil Nadu and KY for Kentucky). For all other countries, use the shipping_state parameter, whose value can be the name of the state itself, i.e., a state code is not required for the value of this parameter.

The value of the shipping country code must be the equivalent ISO 3166-1 code for the country in the Alpha-2 (2-letter) format. For example, IN for India and US for the United States of America. By providing this code, the country will be selected automatically from a dropdown in the hosted payment page.