Add products

Fill out the product title, description, SKU, and other details, create different variants with multiple attributes, and set different prices and inventory amounts.

Add products

Manage products

After adding products to your store, you can sort, search, or even delete products that are no longer available in your store.

Manage products

Import and export products

Import products in bulk using a CSV or XLS file to add multiple products in one go with
minimal effort.

Import and export products

Create product specifications

Add detailed product specs and create specification sets for different products. Classify specifications according to different groups and categorize your specification fields.

Create product specifications

Clone products

With the "Clone" feature, you can instantly create a new, similar product without having to enter the details from scratch. Note: Batch number, quantity, and SKU details will not be cloned, and composite products cannot be cloned.

Clone products

Create composite products

Offer different product bundles based on your business needs by grouping existing products into one composite product.

Create composite products

Migrate products

Easily migrate products from an external system to quickly start taking orders and bring in revenue.

Migrate products

Hassle-free approach to effective product management