Digital signature workflow using forms

Tired of always having to print? Digitize your paperwork by customizing your HR agreements, rental contracts and waivers using Zoho Sign, and let your forms handle the hassle of collecting e-signatures from business signatories.

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E-signature workflow made easy!

Zoho Sign + Zoho Forms Integration

Create Templates

Create and customize your document in Zoho Sign and integrate it with your form.

Zoho Forms Sign Integration

Collect Data

Collect the required data from your customers using Zoho Forms.

Integration with Zoho Sign - Zoho Forms

Monitor Signatures

Automatically send the pre-filled document for e-signatures and monitor the status in real time.


Streamlined documents

Get the approval of multiple collaborators on a single document in an orderly manner and handle your documents in a better way.


Close deals faster

With this automated process, your documents will be approved with legally binding signatures in a matter of seconds. Now you can close business deals faster than before.


The best's paperless.

Go green with digital documents that are stunningly easy to view and maintain. This also helps cut down on printing and transportation costs.

The combined force for simplified document signing!

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