Get all groups in an organization


This API is used to retrieve details of all the groups in the organization. 

OAuth Scope

Use the scope

ZohoMail.organization.groups.ALL (or) ZohoMail.organization.groups.READ

to generate the Authtoken.

ALL - Full access to groups.

READ - Read the details of groups.

Request URL

Method: GET{zoid}/groups

Path Parameters

  • zoid* long
    • This parameter denotes the unique Zoho Organization Identifier for the organization.
    • This parameter can be retrieved from the Organization Details API.


* - Mandatory parameter

Response Codes

Refer here for the response codes and their meaning.

Sample Request

Copiedcurl "***293/groups" \
-X GET \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Authorization:Zoho-oauthtoken ***" \

Sample Response

    "status": {
        "code": 200,
        "description": "success"
    "data": {
        "count": 1,
        "groups": [
                "groupAdminSettings": {
                    "mailboxSendRights": false,
                    "mailboxId": 1003505000083587005,
                    "adminNotify": false,
                    "suppressMailOnMemAdd": false,
                    "authorNotify": false,
                    "holdOrBounce": "hold",
                    "accessType": "Moderated",
                    "postApprovedNotify": false,
                    "spamMarkPermission": false,
                    "isNotToCc": false,
                    "moderationApprovalOption": "APPROVE",
                    "moderationTTL": 0,
                    "spamApproval": false
                "isModerator": false,
                "emailId": "",
                "isLogoExist": false,
                "URI": "https://mail.*******.com/api/organization/77***188/groups/77531651",
                "blockDetails": [],
                "groupMemberCount": 17,
                "accessType": "Moderated",
                "mailGroupMemberList": [
                        "lastName": "P",
                        "postApproval": "hold",
                        "role": "member",
                        "memberEmailId": "",
                        "displayName": "rebecca",
                        "zuid": 77225642,
                        "firstName": "rebecca",
                        "ackStatus": false,
                        "sendAsRight": false,
                        "memberType": "orgUser",
                        "deliveryOption": "default",
                        "failureCount": 0,
                        "status": "active"
                        "lastName": ".",
                        "postApproval": "hold",
                        "role": "member",
                        "memberEmailId": "",
                        "displayName": "Paula",
                        "zuid": 77318032,
                        "firstName": "Paula",
                        "ackStatus": false,
                        "sendAsRight": false,
                        "memberType": "orgUser",
                        "deliveryOption": "default",
                        "failureCount": 0,
                        "status": "active"
                "mbtype": "2",
                "aliasList": [
                "groupRestrictionCount": 10,
                "mailModerationcount": 0,
                "groupRestrictionList": [
                        "access": "accept",
                        "data": "",
                        "type": "address"
                "pendingInvitation": 2,
                "policyName": "Default Policy",
                "mailboxId": 1003505000083587005,
                "accountCreationTime": 1689234375901,
                "iamGroupExist": true,
                "zgid": 77531651,
                "streamsEnabled": false,
                "policyId": "1003505000083168060",
                "groupDescription": "test",
                "name": "rebecca",
                "groupGeneralSettings": {
                    "mailboxId": 1003505000083587005,
                    "notifSubscription": true,
                    "bounceThreshold": 20
                "groupTextSettings": {
                    "ackStatusText": "Your message has been processed in the state of :",
                    "adminNonMemberApprovalText": "As list administrator, your authorization is required for the  following mailing list posting.<br>Reason : Post by Non-Member to the list ",
                    "memberApprovalText": "Message has been waiting for moderator approval : ",
                    "autoResponseText": "Auto-response for your message to the list : ",
                    "bounceText": "A message could not be delivered to its recipients :",
                    "unSubscriptionText": "You have been unsubscribed from the mailing list : ",
                    "spamApprovalText": "This message has been waiting for moderator approval.<br>Reason : Its a spam post ",
                    "adminMemberApprovalText": "Message has been waiting for moderator approval :<br>Reason : Member post awaits for approval<br> ",
                    "mailboxId": 1003505000083587005,
                    "subscriptionText": "You have been subscribed to this mailling list. You can now send and receive mails addressed to this group ",
                    "rejectText": "Your mail was rejected due to Policy Violation.",
                    "isNotToOrCcText": "This message has been waiting for moderator approval.<br>Reason : listId is not present in the to or cc field "
        "domains": [