PUT - Change TFA Status for user


The API is used to change the TFA Preference of a user from enabled to disabled or vice-versa.

Request URL 




Request Parameters

ParameterData TypeDescription
zuid* Integerzuid - The unique Zoho User Identifier for the organization 
accountid* Integer Account Id of the user whose TFA status should be changed using this API
tfaEnabled* BooleanThe tfaEnabled Value can be set to True/ False to enable or disable the Two Factor Authentication for the account. 
Password* StringAdmin Password 

* - Mandatory parameters

Request Body (JSON Object)

ParameterData TypeAllowed ValuesDescription
mode* String updateTFAStatus To change the TFA status for the particular account. 

* - Mandatory parameters

Response Codes

Please refer Response Codes.

Sample Request

   "zuid": 1502252,
   "tfaEnabled": true,
   "mode": "updateTFAStatus"