Users API

User Mail Account Details

The User Details APIs help you to get and update information about the users and their mail accounts in the organization.

Method Name URLOAuth ScopeMethod TypePurpose
 Mail account details of all Users/api/organization/<zoid>/accounts/organization.accountsGETGet the details of all the users' mail accounts in the organization. 
Single User Details/api/organization/<zoid>/accounts/<accountid>GETGet the details of a single user in the organization. 
 Add User Account to an Org /api/organization/<zoid>/accounts/POSTAdd an user account to the organization.
 Change the role of a User/api/organization/<zoid>/accounts/<accountid>PUTChange the role of a user as administrator and vice versa.
 Reset the Password of a User/api/organization/<zoid>/accounts/<accountid>PUTReset the password of a user in the organization.
 Add an email alias to the user account /api/organization/<zoid>/accounts/<accountid>PUTAdd an email alias to a users mail account.
 Delete an email alias from the user account /api/organization/<zoid>/accounts/<accountid>PUTRemove an email alias associated with the user account. 
Enable the user's Mail AccountAdmin Authentication: /api/organization/<zoid>/accounts/<accountid>organization.accountsPUTEnable the email account of a particular user.
User Authentication: /api/accounts/<accountid>accounts
Disable the user's Mail AccountAdmin Authentication: /api/organization/<zoid>/accounts/<accountid>organization.accountsPUTDisable the email account of a particular user and prevent login.
User Authentication: /api/accounts/<accountid>accounts

To Enable User

http://<hostname>/api/organization/<zoid>/accounts/<accountid>AdminPUTThe API can be used by the admin to enable a user account.

To Disable User

http://<hostname>/api/organization/<zoid>/accounts/<accountid>AdminPUTThe API can be used by the admin to disable a user account. Upon disabling, the user will not be able to sign in to their account. 

User Account Access Mode API

The User Account Access Mode APIs help you to enable/ disable the external access modes for the account, like POP/ IMAP and Active Sync for the user. Further, you can enable/ disable Incoming/ Outgoing for the account using the APIs.

Method NameURLOAuth ScopeMethod TypePurpose
To change Incoming status/api/organization/<zoid>/accounts/<accountid>organization.accountsPUTTo enable/ disable the Incoming status of the email account.
To change Outgoing status/api/organization/<zoid>/accounts/PUTTo enable/ disable the Outgoing status of the email account. 
To change IMAP StatusAdmin Authentication: /api/organization/<zoid>/accounts/organization.accountsPUTTo enable/ disable access via IMAP for the particular account.
User Authentication: /api/accounts/<accountid>accounts
To change POP Status Admin Authentication: /api/organization/<zoid>/accounts/organization.accountsPUTTo enable/ disable access via POP for the particular account.
User Authentication: /api/accounts/<accountid>accounts
To change Active Sync Status/api/organization/<zoid>/accounts/organization.accountsPUTTo enable/ disable access via Active Sync for the particular account.
To change TFA Preference/api/organization/<zoid>/accounts/PUTTo enable/ disable Two Factor Authentication Setting for the account.