Sharing workspace to a user

In Zoho Analytics, the administrator can share an entire workspace and grant administrative privileges to a user by adding them as a Workspace Administrator. In such cases, the workspace admin can perform all operations in a workspace, except for renaming or deleting the workspace. 

  1. What can a workspace administrator do?
  2. Who can add a workspace administrator?
  3. Who is a workspace owner?
  4. How do I add a workspace administrator?
  5. Can workspace administrators automatically see the workspaces created by other users?
  6. Can a workspace administrator add a user to their workspace?
  7. How do I remove a workspace administrator?

1. What can a workspace administrators do?

A Workspace Administrator can perform every operation in a workspace, except for renaming or deleting the workspace. 
The permitted operations are detailed below:

  • Import data
  • Add tables
  • Create reports and dashboards
  • Share views to new users
  • Publish views
  • Export and e-mail views

2. Who can add a workspace administrator?

The permission to designate a user as a Workspace Administrator to a particular workspace lies only with the person who created that workspace, i.e. the Workspace Owner. Refer the following question to know more.

3. Who is a workspace owner?

A user who creates a workspace becomes the Workspace Owner of that particular workspace. Workspace Owners can share specific views in their workspace to other users, or make them Workspace Administrators to help them co-manage their workspace. Only Workspace Owners can add or remove Workspace Administrators from the workspaces they own.

4. How do I add a workspace administrator?

Refer the following presentation to add Workspace Administrators to a specific workspace.

5. Can workspace administrators automatically see the workspaces created by other users?

No, they cannot. Workspace Administrators of a particular workspace do not get access to workspaces created by other users automatically. They have to be given access permission explicitly by the other users. 

6. Can a workspace administrator add a user to the workspace?

Yes, the Workspace Administrator can add new users to the workspace by sharing a view to them.

7. How do I remove a workspace administrator?

This action can only be performed by the person who owns the workspace. Follow the steps below to do this:

  • In the Explorer view, click the Share button and select the Manage Workspace Admins option. 

  • Remove the email address of the user you wish to remove, click Next and then Add to send a notification email. The corresponding workspace administrator will be removed from the workspace.