Update a Record in QuickBooks


The intuit.quickbooks.update() task is used to update a record from any of the supported modules in your QuickBooks account, by specifying the unique ID of the record.  For example, you can update a customer record from the Customer module in quickbooks with the given record ID.  To connect Zoho CRM with QuickBooks, download and install the QuickBooks connector from the Zoho Marketplace .

  Supported Modules

  • Customer
  • Vendor
  • Item
  • Invoice
  • Account
  • Employee
  • Department


<quickbooksResponse> = intuit.quickbooks.update("zoho_quickbooks", <quickbooksModuleName>,<quickbooksCompanyId> , <recordId>, <syncToken>, <paramValues>.);

<quickbooksResponse> is the map variable returned by Quickbooks as response. It contains the details of the fetched record.<quickbooksModuleName> refers to the module name in Quick Books from where the record is fetched.
<quickbooksCompanyId> refers to the unique ID generated by Quickbooks for each account. Refer CompanyId  for more information.
<recordId> is the ID in Quickbooks based on which the record related to the ID is fetched.
<synToken> is the version number of the unique record id.
<paramValues> is the map variable that holds the key value pairs of the attributes to be updated

Refer the Quickboks API Guide  for the attributes to be specified for each module.


A sample script to update a record from the Quickbooks customer module with a given record ID, is given below.

//get records with the specified criteria
searchResponse = intuit.quickbooks.searchRecords("zoho_quickbooks", "1241802285", "SELECT * FROM Customer where DisplayName ='Henry'");

queryResponse = ((getResponse).get("QueryResponse")).toMap();
queryResponseList = queryResponse.get("Customer").toJSONList();
for each x in queryResponseList
y = x.toMap();
id = y.get("Id");
synToken = y.get("SyncToken");
//get record by id
getIdResponse = intuit.quickbooks.getRecordById("zoho_quickbooks", "Customer", "1241802285", id);

param = map();
param.put("FamilyName", "HenryPaul");
updateResponse = intuit.quickbooks.update("zoho_quickbooks", "Customer", "1241802285", id, synToken, param);
info updateResponse;


  • You can add the script directly to the editor area by selecting Free-flow scripting link displayed on the top-right corner of the script builder ( or ) use the drag-and-drop functionality in Script Builder.

  Response Format

The response returned by Quickbooks will be in the format given below.

“Customer":"{" ShipAddr":"{" Line3":"123 street",
"Line2":"Building 1",
"Line1":"450 7th StreetnWashington DC",
"CurrencyRef":"{"name":"Indian Rupee",

If for some reason, the execution fails, the response will be in the following format.
ERROR RESPONSE - For Invalid Parameter Name

"Detail":"Property Name:Can not instanti specified is unsupported or invalid",
"Message":"Request has invalid or unsupported property",